What is the potential value of nuclear technology?

  • June 8-9, 2022
  • World class speakers
  • The ultimate networking event
Rita Baranwal

Dr. Rita Baranwal (VP of Nuclear and Chief Nuclear Officer, EPRI)

“It is imperative that we continue to innovate options for Generation 3 (G3) Reactors to reduce operating costs, extend operating lifetimes, and create alternate revenue streams. Deployment of advanced reactors can only happen by building on the successes of these G3 reactors.”

Brian W. Smith (Deputy Director Division of Advanced Reactors and Non-Power Production and Utilization Facilities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission)

"From a regulator’s perspective, we will also have to take innovative approaches in developing the regulatory programs to accommodate the various types of advanced reactors being developed to ensure predictable, timely, and effective licensing reviews. By participating in this conference, I can learn more about the plans being developed by advanced reactor developers."


Kirsty Gogan (Global Director of Energy for Humanity)

“European climate leaders are modern industrialised economies with low carbon intensity of electricity generation, achieved through a combination of nuclear and renewables. Without nuclear energy, our climate challenge would be harder, more expensive, and more likely to fail.”

Picture Sannah Van Balen

Founder of think tank The Empowered Atom, TEDx Speaker, Stubborn Climate Optimist

"Our climate emergency demands urgent action in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The successful deployment of nuclear technology requires advances at the technical, regulatory and social level. This conference offers a unique opportunity for the nuclear community to come together and collaborate for the benefit of global society."

Nuclear Innovation Conference 2022

For key players in the Nuclear Energy Sector in Long Term Operation, New Build and Advanced reactors.

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The progression of nuclear energy

Cooperation on cross-cutting topics

The decision to invest in Long Term Operation, Generation lll or Advanced for a large part is based on national long-term energy policies, economics and social licenses. Nuclear energy is proven cost competitive and is essential in the transition to a low carbon economy. But, the nuclear sector struggles to deliver successful projects on time and within budget. It is critical to identify where further alignment and collaboration between current initiatives will secure the future for nuclear energy.

By bringing together, world class expertise in industry and policymaking of the existing silos, the industry can take a leading role in achieving a transition to a low carbon economy. During the Nuclear Innovation Conference you have the opportunity to join other key players in current, new and future generation technologies to achieve common nuclear energy strategies.

Join the regulators, energy utilities and vendors that represent the global nuclear community. Take part in the discussions with your stakeholders in the global nuclear sector.  Take part in building a common international nuclear energy scenario with executives and experts. And don’t miss out on this unique networking opportunity!

More information and registration